Header/Footer Symbol Reference
Each of the items in this list represents a data field within TariffShark. When the "symbol" shown is included in a header or a footer, TariffShark replaces the symbol with the value stored in the TariffShark data field.
Symbol | Comments |
[BasisTRV_Description] | Description from the Tariff Record Version that provides the basis for the Tariff Record Version whose header or footer is being built. |
[BasisTRV_EffectiveDate:FormatString†] | Effective date from the Tariff Record Version that provides the basis for the Tariff Record Version whose header or footer is being built. |
[BasisTRV_FERCEffectiveDate:FormatString†] | FERC Effective Date from the Tariff Record Version that provides the basis for the Tariff Record Version whose header or footer is being built. |
[BasisTRV_FERCFilingDate:FormatString†] | Filing Date from the Tariff Record Version that provides the basis for the Tariff Record Version whose header or footer is being built. |
[BasisTRV_FERCOrderDate:FormatString†] | FERC Order Date from the Tariff Record Version that provides the basis for the Tariff Record Version whose header or footer is being built. |
[BasisTRV_FormattedSectionNumber] | Record Number from the Tariff Record Version that provides the basis for the Tariff Record Version whose header or footer is being built. |
[BasisTRV_NarrativeName] | Narrative Name from the Tariff Record Version that provides the basis for the Tariff Record Version whose header or footer is being built. |
[BasisTRV_OptionCode] | Option from the Tariff Record Version that provides the basis for the Tariff Record Version whose header or footer is being built. |
[BasisTRV_ProposedEffectiveDate:FormatString†] | Proposed Effective Date from the Tariff Record Version that provides the basis for the Tariff Record Version whose header or footer is being built. |
[BasisTRV_Title] | Title from the Tariff Record Version that provides the basis for the Tariff Record Version whose header or footer is being built. |
[BasisTRV_Version] | Version (in x.y.z format) from the Tariff Record Version that provides the basis for the Tariff Record Version whose header or footer is being built. |
[CompanyName] | Name of the Company to which the Tariff Record Version whose header or footer is being built belongs. |
[DocketNumber] | Docket Number of the Filing to which the Tariff Record Version whose header or footer is being built belongs. |
[EffectiveDate:FormatString†] | effective date of the Tariff Record Version whose header or footer is being built. |
[FERCEffectiveDate:FormatString†] | FERC Effective Date of the Tariff Record Version whose header or footer is being built. |
[FERCFilingDate:FormatString†] | FERC Filing Date of the Tariff Record Version whose header or footer is being built. |
[FERCOrderDate:FormatString†] | FERC Order Date of the Tariff Record Version whose header or footer is being built. |
[ProposedEffectiveDate:FormatString†] | Proposed Effective Date of the Tariff Record Version whose header or footer is being built. |
[SupersededTRV_Description] | Description from the Tariff Record Version that supersedes the Tariff Record Version whose header or footer is being built. |
[SupersededTRV_EffectiveDate:FormatString†] | Effective date from the Tariff Record Version that supersedes the Tariff Record Version whose header or footer is being built. |
[SupersededTRV_FERCEffectiveDate:FormatString†] | FERC Effective Date from the Tariff Record Version that supersedes the Tariff Record Version whose header or footer is being built. |
[SupersededTRV_FERCFilingDate:FormatString†] | Filing Date from the Tariff Record Version that supersedes the Tariff Record Version whose header or footer is being built. |
[SupersededTRV_FERCOrderDate:FormatString†] | FERC Order Date from the Tariff Record Version that supersedes the Tariff Record Version whose header or footer is being built. |
[SupersededTRV_FormattedSectionNumber] | Record Number from the Tariff Record Version that supersedes the Tariff Record Version whose header or footer is being built. |
[SupersededTRV_NarrativeName] | Narrative Name from the Tariff Record Version that supersedes the Tariff Record Version whose header or footer is being built. |
[SupersededTRV_OptionCode] | Option from the Tariff Record Version that supersedes the Tariff Record Version whose header or footer is being built. |
[SupersededTRV_ProposedEffectiveDate:FormatString†] | Proposed Effective Date from the Tariff Record Version that supersedes the Tariff Record Version whose header or footer is being built. |
[SupersededTRV_Title] | Title from the Tariff Record Version that supersedes the Tariff Record Version whose header or footer is being built. |
[SupersededTRV_Version] | Version (in x.y.z format) from the Tariff Record Version that supersedes the Tariff Record Version whose header or footer is being built. |
[TRVDescription] | Description of the Tariff Record Version whose header or footer is being built. |
[TRVFormattedSectionNumber] | Record Number of the Tariff Record Version whose header or footer is being built. |
[TRVNarrativeName] | Narrative Name of the Tariff Record Version whose header or footer is being built. |
[TRVOptionCode] | Option of the Tariff Record Version whose header or footer is being built. |
[TRVTitle] | Title of the Tariff Record Version whose header or footer is being built. |
[TRVVersion] | Version (in x.y.z format) of the Tariff Record Version whose header or footer is being built. |
[TariffDatabaseTitle] | Title of the Tariff Database to which the Tariff Record Version whose header or footer is being built belongs. |
[TariffRecordTitle] | Title of the Tariff Record to which the Tariff Record Version whose header or footer is being built belongs. |
[TariffTitle] | Title of the Tariff to which the Tariff Record Version whose header or footer is being built belongs. |
†The date field must be followed by a format string that tells TariffShark the format to use when inserting the date into the header or footer. Commonly used format strings are:
- MMMM d, yyyy
- Example formatted date: April 1, 2010
- M/d/yyyy
- Example formatted date: 4/1/2010
TariffShark's format string capabilities are fully documented in this Microsoft article: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/8kb3ddd4(printer).aspx.
Using the FERCFilingDate field as an example, if a filing's FERC Filing Date was 5/9/2010, in a footer formatted with the symbol [FERCFilingDate:MMMM d, yyyy]
it would appear in a Tariff Record Version footer as May 9, 2010