Set Effective Priority
The Set Effective Priority form is used to set the priority of a Filed Tariff Record Version when there exists other Filed Tariff Record Versions under the same Tariff Record with the same Proposed Effective Date. If the selected Filed Tariff Record Version is highlighted in pink, then its value must be updated. If it is green, then you may update it as you deem necessary. The highlighted FTRV can be moved up/down the list by clicking the arrows on the right (Figures 1 and 2).
The instructions on the Figure 1 form read as follows:
The grid below shows all Filed Tariff Record Versions (FTRVs) for Tariff Record "<TR display name>" that propose the same effective date. The most important record appears at the top of the grid and the least important record appears at the bottom of the grid. All FTRVs between are displayed in decreasing importance moving down the grid. Were FERC to approve all FTRVs in the grid, the top most record would be the one actually considered effective. Use the arrow buttons to the right of the grid to move the PINK row up and down to establish a value of its effective priority. When you have positioned it where you want it and it has turned GREEN (which indicates that it has a valid value), click the Save button.
Figure 1:Set Effective Priority form
The instructions on the Figure 2 form read as follows:
The grid below shows all Filed Tariff Record Versions (FTRVs) for Tariff Record "<TR display name>" that propose the same effective date. The most important record appears at the top of the grid and the least important record appears at the bottom of the grid. All FTRVs between are displayed in decreasing importance moving down the grid. Were FERC to approve all FTRVs in the grid, the top most record would be the one actually considered effective. Use the arrow buttons to the right of the grid to move the GREEN row up and down to establish a value of its effective priority. Then, click the Save button.
Figure 2:Set Effective Priority form
- Record Number
- Record Number of the Tariff Record Version
- Version
- Version number of the Tariff Record Version
- Description
- Description of the Tariff Record Version
- Title
- Title of the Tariff Record Version
- Narrative Name
- Narrative Name of the Tariff Record Version
- Option
- Option letter of the Tariff Record Version. Refer to the FERC SOC Implementation Guide for complete details about options.
- Filing
- The display name of the Filing in which the Tariff Record Version resides
- FERC Filing Date
- The filing date of the Filing in which the Tariff Record Version resides
- Effective Date
- The effective date of the the Tariff Record Version within the Filing
- Response
- FERC's response to the filing of the Tariff Record Version: Approved, Approved Subject to Conditions, Effective, Pending, Rejected, Suspended, Draft, Overtaken by Events, Pro Forma Ordered, Withdrawn, or Retired.
- Change Type
- The type of change that was requested for the Tariff Record Version within the Filing: New, Change, Pro Forma, Withdraw, or Cancel.
- Effective Priority
- A number between 1 and roughly 2.1 billion. When multiple TRVs that belong to the same Tariff Record are proposed to go into effect on the same date, the highest Effective Priority is considered to be effective.
Action Buttons
- Saves the Effective Priority for the Filed Tariff Record Version
- Closes the form without updating any data