Create Record Numbering Scheme

The Create Record Numbering Scheme form is used to create a new Record Numbering Scheme on the application server to which the user is connected.

Figure 1:Create Record Numbering Scheme form


Name of the Record Numbering Scheme
Applies to Sheets?
Check this box if the Record Numbering Scheme applies to Sheets
Display last level only?
Check this box to display last level only
The number of levels in the numbering scheme
Apply Formatting To
The selected level will be customized
Maximum Value
Select the maximum value for the selected level
Format String2020
Enter a short string that will preceed the number for the selected level and a short string that will follow it
Enter a short string that will be used to separate the number for the selected level from the number for the subsequent level

Action Buttons

Creates the new Record Numbering Scheme
Closes the form without saving data to the application server

SmartBar Commands

None available.

See Also