TariffShark Tiger User Guide

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Withdraw Filed Tariff Record Version

The Withdraw Filed Tariff Record Version form is used to withdraw a Filed Tariff Record Version that was previously filed and is pending before the Commission.

Figure 1: Withdraw Tariff Record Version form


Field Details Required
Record Number Record Number of the Tariff Record Version
Version Version number of the Tariff Record Version
Description Description of the Tariff Record Version
Title Title of the Tariff Record Version
Narrative Name Narrative Name of the Tariff Record Version
Filing Display name of the Filing in which the Tariff Record Version resides.
Option Option letter of the Tariff Record Version.
FERC Response FERC's response to the filing of the Tariff Record Version
Record Change Type The type of change that was requested for the Tariff Record Version
Proposed Effective Date The Effective Date on which the TRV was proposed to go into effect
Version Version number of the Tariff Record Version that will be created when you click the "Withdraw" button. This field will default to a convenient value slightly higher than the TRV being withdrawn. Yes
Filing Filing in which the previously filed FTRV will be withdrawn Yes
Proposed Effective Date Proposed Effective Date of the withdrawal. This field is required by FERC for all FTRVs, but doesn't specifically apply to withdrawal requests. Though the value supplied here is unimportant, we recommend using the date on which you plan to submit the Filing to FERC. Yes

Action Buttons

Button Details
Withdraw Creates a TRV with the Version specified and adds it as a withdrawal request within the selected Filing
Cancel Closes the form without creating a withdrawal request

See Also