TariffShark Tiger User Guide

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Create Tariff Database

The Create Tariff Database form is used to create a new Tariff Database within the context Company.

Figure 1: Create Tariff Database form, Tariff Database tab

Figure 2: Create Tariff Database form, Custom Fields tab



Field Details Required
Title User-designated Tariff Database title. The title must be unique within a Company. Maximum field length 100. Yes
Default Record Format The Default Record Format: Section, Sheet, or Whole Document. By default, this value will be used as the Default Record Format for any Tariffs created within this Tariff Database. If the context Company is operating under a LITE license to TariffShark, "Whole Document" will be the only available option. Yes
Enable Hierarchy Support Check to enable Hierarchy Support Yes
Omit Child Cancel FTRVs from FERC XML Check to omit child cancel FTRVs from Filing XML files. This field is enabled only if Enable Hierarchy Support is checked. Yes
eTariff Viewer URL A FERC URL that links the Tariff Database to FERC's eTariff Viewer. If included, the URL must be in the following format: https://etariff.ferc.gov/TariffBrowser.aspx?tid=9999


Field Details
Custom Field This is the Name of the Custom Field.
Value Enter a Custom Field value right into the grid for the Tariff Database being created.
Help Text This is the Help Text of the Custom Field.

Action Buttons

Button Details
Create Creates the new Tariff Database
Cancel Closes the form without creating a new Tariff Database to the application server

See Also