TariffShark Tiger User Guide

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Associated Filing

The Associated Filing dialog is used to associate a Filing with one that was previously filed with FERC.

Figure 1: Associated Filing popup dialog; Associated Filing tab

Figure 2: Associated Filing popup dialog; Manual Override tab



First, select the Tariff Database that has the Filing you wish to associate. Below, the dialog lists Filings in that Tariff Database. Select the Filing to associate in the list by clicking on it and then clicking the "Select" button. If you wish to remove an association between the Filing you're preparing and another Filing, click the "Clear" button.

Field Details Required
Tariff Database Select the Tariff Database in which the Filing you wish to associated resides. Yes
Associated Filing Select the Filing in the grid to which you wish to make an association. Yes


You can opt to manually associate a Filing via the "Manual Override" tab. This is useful when the associated Filing was not filed via TariffShark or when TariffShark doesn't contain the full history of all Filings ever filed. Manually enter the Associated FERC Filing Id and then click the "Select" button. The Associated Filing field on the Update Filing form will display as "Manual override: FERC Filing Id nnnn".

Field Details Required
Associated FERC Filing Id Enter the FERC Filing Id of a Filing that is on file at FERC. This is the Filing to which an association will be made. Yes

Action Buttons

Button Details
Select Establishes a Filing association
Cancel Closes dialog without changing the Filing's association
Clear Clears the Filing's association

See Also