TariffShark Tiger User Guide
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Filing Types
The Filing Types screen displays the list of FERC Filing Types for the context Company and Effective Date selected. The sample below shows the Filing Types for an NGA Gas Pipeline.
Figure 1: List of Filing Types
Field | Details |
Effective Date | Select an effective date to display the Filing Types there are in effect on that date. |
Code | A unique code, generated by FERC, that distinguishes a Filing Type from all others. |
Description | A FERC-provided description of the Filing Type. |
Type | The type of filing category: New, Refiled, Normal, Compliance, Amendment, Motion, Withdraw, Report, or Cancellation. |
Citation | Provides the corresponding Citation to FERC regulation. |
Suspend Motion Response | This column will either contain a checkmark or not. FERC may suspend certain Types of Filings. For Filing Types that have this column checked, the Tariff Submitter is required to inform FERC whether or not it is submitting a motion to place suspended Tariff Records into effect at the end of the suspension period. |
Status Change Timeout | Many Types of Filings must be acted upon by FERC by a certain number of days from the date of the Tariff Filing. This data element shows the number of days from the date of the filing before the FERC internal system will automatically change the status in the absence of a FERC order. |
Fee Required | This column will indicate if the Type of Filing requires a filing fee be made with the Commission. |
Active Date | The effective date of the Filing Type. |
Inactive Date | The date after which the Filing Type is no longer effective. |