Create Tariff Record Version
The Create Tariff Record Version form is used to create a new Tariff Record Version for a Tariff Record.
Figure 1:Create Tariff Record Version form: Version Details tab
Figure 2:Create Tariff Record Version form: Publishing Options tab
Figure 3:Create Tariff Record Version form: Comments tab
Version Details Tab
- Tariff Record
- Select the Tariff Record under which the Tariff Record Version will be created
- Record Number
- Record Number of the Tariff Record Version. For Sheet-based Tariffs, the first level is required; the rest are optional.
- Version
- Version number of the Tariff Record Version
- Option
- Option letter of the Tariff Record Version. Refer to the FERC SOC Implementation Guide for complete details about options.
- Description
- Description of the Tariff Record Version
- Title
- Title of the Tariff Record Version
- Narrative Name
- Narrative Name of the Tariff Record Version. This field is primarily used for sheet based tariffs to send FERC the old-style sheet pagination (e.g. Substitute Third Revised Sheet No. 12).
- Document Layout
- Document Layout for the Tariff Record Version. The document that defines the layout is used as the starting point of the Tariff Record Version's content when the document is first created. The Document Layout's Header Template and Footer Template are applied to the Tariff Record Version's content each time the content is saved.
- Marked Document Layout
- Marked Document Layout for the Tariff Record Version. The document that defines the layout is used as the starting point of the Tariff Record Version's content when the document is first created. The Document Layout's Header Template and Footer Template are applied to the Tariff Record Version's content each time the content is opened.
- Basis Version
- Tariff Record Version that was used as the starting point for the marked content
- A popup dialog (Figure 4) is used to select a Tariff Record Version that was used as the starting point for the marked content. Select a Tariff Record from the drop down list and then a TRV from the grid and click the "Select" button. In order to remove the Basis Version selection, click the "Clear" button.
Figure 4:Select Basis Tariff Record Version dialog
- Supersedes Version
- Tariff Record Version that is being replaced by this one
- A popup dialog (Figure 5) is used to select a Tariff Record Version that is being replaced. Select a Tariff Record from the drop down list and then a TRV from the grid and click the "Select" button. In order to remove the Superseded Version selection, click the "Clear" button.
Figure 5:Select Superseded Tariff Record Version dialog
Publishing Options Tab
- PDF Bookmark Text
- When this TRV is published as part of a Tariff, the PDF Bookmark Text is what will appear in the list of bookmarks in the PDF reader when the published Tariff is viewed.
- PDF Hyperlink Tag
- Use PDF Hyperlink Tag to set a bookmark for this TRV in the published Tariff. This will enable you to jump from an external link, such as on a website, to this spot in the Tariff.
- Include in Table of Contents
- Indicates whether or not the Tariff Record Version will be included in the Table of Contents when the Tariff is published. The text that appears in the table of contents is determined by the publishing options established at the Tariff level.
Comments Tab
- Comments
- Comments for the Tariff Record Version
Main Form
- Filing
- Select the Filing to which the new Tariff Record Version is to be added.
- Proposed Effective Date
- The Effective Date on which you propose the TRV to go into effect.
Action Buttons
- Creates the new Tariff Record Version
- Closes the form without creating a Tariff Record Version
SmartBar Commands
- Tariff Record Tasks