TariffShark Tiger User Guide

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Publishing is the process by which the content of multiple TRVs are brought together into a single file. While Publishing can be used to combine unrelated or distantly related TRVs, it's most useful when used on large Tariffs that have been decomposed into multiple Tariff Records. As with gas industry Open Access Tariffs and electric industry Open Access Transmission Tariffs, large Tariffs are managed in smaller pieces (Tariff Records) and Publishing can be thought of as a process by which the smaller pieces are combined back into a whole.

Added in the TariffShark Tiger release (July 2017), publishing is also the process whereby multiple FERC Attachments are brought together into a single PDF file.

TariffShark provides for the publishing of Tariffs, Filings, and TRV Sets.

TRV Publishing


Page-Based Publishing

Custom Publishing

FERC Attachment Publishing

See Also