TariffShark Tiger User Guide

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Publish Filing: Select TRVs

The Publish Filing wizard's Select TRVs form displays the Filing's TRVs in a grid. Select the TRVs you would like to publish by clicking the individual checkboxes within the grid or use the "Select All" and "Clear All" buttons.

Figure 4a: Publish Filing wizard: Select TRVs; Page-based Publishing

Figure 4b: Publish Filing wizard: Select TRVs; Custom Publishing


Field Details
Select Check box to select the TRVs that you wish to publish
Can Publish? A green check mark indicates that the TRV can be published. A red "X" indicates it cannot be published. Hover your mouse cursor over the red "X" to learn why it cannot be published.
Page Break Before Custom Publishing Only (figure 4b above): Check this box to indicate that a page break should be inserted before the TRV's content. This box will appear checked if the TRV's Page Break Before publishing option is checked.
Page Break After Custom Publishing Only (figure 4b above): Check this box to indicate that a page break should be inserted after the TRV's content. This box will appear checked if the TRV's Page Break After publishing option is checked.
Tariff Short Name of the Tariff
Record Number Record Number of the Tariff Record Version
Version Version number of the Tariff Record Version
Description Description of the Tariff Record Version
Title Title of the Tariff Record Version
Narrative Name Narrative Name of the Tariff Record Version
Option Option letter of the Tariff Record Version.
Effective Date Effective Date of the Tariff Record Version within the Filing.
Response FERC's Response to the Filing of the Tariff Record Version
Change Type The type of change that was requested for the Tariff Record Version
PDF Bookmark Text Text that will appear in a PDF reader's bookmark bar when viewing a published document.

Depending on the options selected in the wizard, some Tariff Record Versions may not be eligible for publishing. TariffShark will tell you why each TRV cannot be published with one of the following reasons:

  1. This TRV has no content.
  2. Whole Document TRVs do not have Marked content.
  3. Whole Document TRVs do not participate in Custom publishing.
  4. This TRV's Whole Document content is not in a compatible format.
  5. TRVs without Document Layouts do not participate in page-based publishing in Microsoft Word format.
  6. TRVs without Document Layouts do not participate in Custom publishing.
  7. This TRV has no Marked content.

Action Buttons

Click the button hyperlinks below to navigate through the help documentation and learn more about this wizard.
Button Details
Select All Select all Tariff Record Versions
Clear All Clear all selections
< Back Back to the previous step
Next > Proceed to the next step
Cancel Closes the wizard without publishing the Filing

See Also