TariffShark Tiger User Guide

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Expire Users' Passwords

The Expire Users' Passwords form is used to force Users' passwords to expire, thus requiring them to establish new passwords. The list of Users from which you may select are displayed in the grid.

Figure 1: Expire Users' Passwords form


Field Details
Select Place a check mark next to the Users whose passwords will be expired
Username The username used to sign into TariffShark.
Full Name User's full name (generally, first and last).
Email Address User's email address.
Active Checked for active User. Inactive Users are not allowed to log into TariffShark.
[Password Updated] The date on which the User's password was last updated.

Action Buttons

Button Details
Select All Select all listed Users
Clear All Clear all selections
Expire Passwords Selected Users are updated expiring their passwords by setting the Password Updated date to Jan 1, 1970
Cancel Closes the form without expiring Users' passwords

See Also