TariffShark Tiger User Guide

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Active (Custom Field)

Active Custom Fields participate fully in TariffShark (for example, users may update and view their values). Inactive Custom Fields are omitted from the TariffShark user interface (as if they didn't exist).

Active (User)

Check box that determines whether or not a User is authorized to log into TariffShark. An Active User may log in; an Inactive User may not.


When TariffShark is installed, this security role provides access to all TariffShark functions. For more information about Security Roles, refer to the Security Role element article.

Accepted (FERC Response)

A Response given to a FTRV that has been accepted by FERC but cannot yet be considered Effective.

Approved Subject to Conditions (FERC Response)

A Response given to a FTRV that has been approved by FERC as long as certain changes are made and the TRV is refiled.

Associated Filing

The Filing with which this Filing is associated. Click the ellipsis button to associate the Filing with an earlier Filing.

Associated With

The display name of the FTRV with which this FTRV is associated.

Authorized Functions

The functions (commands, grids, and forms) within TariffShark that a Security Role has been given access to.

Auto-Effective After Suspension

Indicates whether or not the tariff provisions filed are to become effective automatically after suspension (should the Filing become suspended). If you do NOT wish tariff provisions to become effective automatically after suspension (in which case you will have to make a subsequent filing to make them effective). Note that many Filing Types do not require that the issue of auto-effectiveness after suspension be addressed. On such Filings, this field will be disabled.


Baseline Document

A specially prepared Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) document that contains a combination of data about the Tariff, as well as the content of the Tariff, that is used to load a Tariff into TariffShark.

Basis Version

Tariff Record Version that was used as the starting point for the marked content.


Cancel (Tariff)

To remove a Tariff from its Tariff Database on a specific date.

Cancel (Tariff Record)

To remove a Tariff Record from its Tariff on a specific date.

Child Tariff Record

In a section-based Tariff, a Tariff Record with a Record Number below a Parent Tariff Record. For example, Tariff Records 5.1 and 5.2 are the children of their parent, Tariff Record 5.


A string of Tariff Database and/or Tariff Record Version identifying information from TariffShark that must be included in various forms of correspondence to FERC such as transmittal letters or emails. FERC-compliant Tariff Citations include, for Tariff Databases: Company, Company Program, and Tariff Database Title; and for Tariff Record Versions: TRV Description, TRV Title; TRV Version, and TRV Option Code.

Citation Template

A string of static text and Symbols that comprise a template for generating eTariff Citations. Refer to the Citation Template element article for additional information.

Clean Content

Clean Content refers to the content of a document that does not reflect any editing marks or change tracking indications. TariffShark provides Clean Content in both Adobe PDF and Microsoft Word formats.

Clean Document Layout

Document Layout for the Tariff Record Version that does not reflect any editing marks or change tracking indications. The document that defines the layout is used as the starting point of the Tariff Record Version's content when the document is first created. The Document Layout's Header Template and Footer Template are applied to the Tariff Record Version's content each time the content is opened.

Client Priority Mode

Checking this box in the Server Settings dialog will require that all TRVs queued by this computer be processed by this computer.


A unique code, generated by FERC, that distinguishes a Filing Type from all others.

Collation Value

The Collation Value specifies the order in which Tariffs will be displayed in FERC's eTariff Viewer. The value must be unique among all Tariffs in the Tariff Database.

Common Fields

List of available data fields to be used in "Table of Contents Item Format" and "Index Item Format" textboxes.


A separate tab and data field for free-form explanation and narrative text within various TariffShark Elements. In grids, a column headed with "Comments", displays an icon for TariffShark Elements that have comment. Hover the mouse over the icon to read the comments.

Comment (Function)

The description of a TariffShark function

Comment (Security Role)

Description of the Security Role.


A Company in TariffShark is a FERC-regulated entity for which electronic tariff filings are made. Refer to the Company element article for additional details.

Company (Security Role)

Short Name of the Company through which the Security Role is assigned to the User. The value -All- here means that the User is assigned the Security Role for all Companies.

Compare To

In the Tariff Record Version Build Content wizard, select a Tariff Record Version to which the document selected will be compared. The Tariff Record Version selected is the base document for the comparison and the document above contains the revisions.

Complete (Filing Status)

After a statutory period elapses or after FERC issues an order in response to a Filing, you can update its Status to "Complete".

Conditionally Accepted (FERC Response)

A Response given to a FTRV that FERC has accepted with conditions to still be met.

Conditionally Effective (FERC Response)

A Response given to a FTRV that FERC has considered effective with conditions to still be met. Applies to Oil, NGPA Gas Pipeline, and Power Administration programs where a tariff record is permitted to become effective before Commission action is required. A FERC Response of "Conditionally Effective" indicates that the FTRV is effective, but that final Commission action is still pending. "Conditionally Effective" FTRVs are considered effective by TariffShark and, thus, are eligible for the Tariff Timeline and Tariff Publishing.

Content (Attachment)

The file that is attached to a FERC Attachment. Content can be renamed, deleted, or a new file can be uploaded for the FERC Attachment.

Content Type

The type of document to be downloaded: Clean or Marked File Format.

Content Blocks

Content Blocks are small Microsoft Word documents that can be inserted above and/or below the content of every published TRV when performing Custom Publishing. They consist of static content and Symbols that will be inserted into the published document for each TRV, above or below the TRV's content. Press the '...' button to select a Word document.


When working with Tariffs and Filings in TariffShark, all of that work is done within the context of a Company and Tariff Database.

Custom Field

A Custom Field provides the ability to store data that TariffShark wasn't specifically designed to capture. Refer to the Custom Field element article for additional details.



TariffShark uses the Dashboard screen to display real-time TRV Processing information.

Date (Active)

The effective date of the Filing Type.

Date (Inactive)

The date after which the Filing Type is no longer effective.

Description (Citation Template)

Either Tariff Database; Tariff Record Version (Brief); Tariff Record Version (Verbose); or user-specified name for the Citation Template.

Description (Document Layout)

Name of the Document Layout. Maximum field length 255.

Description (FERC Attachment)

Description of the FERC Attachment. Maximum field length 80.

Description (Filing Cabinet Item)

Text describing the content and nature of a Filing Cabinet Item. TariffShark can accommodate a description of up to 255 characters.

Description (Filing Type)

A FERC-provided description of the Filing Type.

Name of the Footer Template. TariffShark can accommodate a description of up to 127 characters.

Description (Header Template)

Name of the Header Template. TariffShark can accommodate a description of up to 127 characters.

Description (Record Numbering Scheme)

Name of the Record Numbering Scheme. Maximum field length 80.

Description (Tariff)

Description of the Tariff. Because Tariffs are sent to FERC as specialized Tariff Records (ones that have no parent TR), the Tariff Description is also used as the description of the Root Tariff Record that represents the Tariff. Maximum field length 25.

Description (Tariff Record)

Description of the Tariff Record. This value is used as the default Description for the Tariff Record Version as each Tariff Record Version is created under this Tariff Record. Maximum field length 25.

Description (Tariff Record Version)

Description of the Tariff Record Version. Maximum length 25.

Docket Number

Filing's Docket Number as provided by FERC.

Document Layout

A Document Layout consists of a Word document that defines the starting point for new Tariff Record Versions and, optionally, associated Header Template and/or Footer Template. Refer to the Document Layout element article for additional details.


The process of pulling content, such as Tariff Record Versions, TRV Sets, Document Layout content, or header or footer template content, out of the TariffShark database, and saving it to an another device like your desktop computer or a network drive.

Draft (Filing Status)

A Filing starts its life in "Draft" Status. As a Draft, all aspects of a Filing may be updated in order to prepare the Filing in the way you wish to send it to FERC. A Draft Filing may even be deleted.

Draft (FERC Response)

A Response given to a Draft FTRV is one that is being worked on and has, therefore, not yet been filed with FERC. All details associated with a Draft FTRV and its underlying TRV, including its content, may be updated. A Draft FTRV and its underlying TRV may also be deleted.


Effective Cancellation Date

The effective date on which TariffShark must consider a Tariff Database cancelled. This is an optional field because (a) many Tariff Databases are never cancelled and (b) when a Tariff Database is cancelled, under most circumstances, TariffShark is able to determine the effective date of the cancellation merely by inspecting Filing activity.

Effective Date (FERC)

FERC-approved effective date of the Filed Tariff Record Version. The date on which the FTRV's provision goes into effect.

Effective Date (Filing Type)

Date used to identify which Filing Types are active.

Effective Date (Tariff)

The date on which the Tariff's provision goes into effect. Defaults to current date. TariffShark has the ability to determine the Tariff Record Versions that were/are/will be in effect at any point in time, so the date provided here can be in the past, present, or future.

Effective Date (Tariff Record Version)

'Effective date of the Tariff Record Version' within the Filing. The date on which the TRV's provision goes into effect.

Effective (FERC Response)

A Response given to a FTRV that has been filed with and approved by FERC is designated Effective when it is to be considered part of an effective tariff. For example, when two related FTRVs have been filed with FERC and only one was approved, it might not make sense to mark either of them Effective until both have been approved. "Effective" FTRVs are eligible for the Tariff Timeline and Tariff Publishing.

Effective Priority

The priority of a Filed Tariff Record Version when there exists other Filed Tariff Record Versions under the same Tariff Record with the same Proposed Effective Date. A number between 1 and roughly 2.1 billion (2,147,483,647 to be exact). When multiple TRVs that belong to the same Tariff Record are proposed to go into effect on the same date, the highest Effective Priority is considered to be effective.

Email Address

User's email address. Maximum field length 100.

eTariff Viewer URL

A FERC URL that links a Tariff Database to FERC's eTariff Viewer. The URL must be in the following format: https://etariff.ferc.gov/TariffBrowser.aspx?tid=9999


Failed Processing

A tab in the Dashboard that shows TRV's that TariffShark was unable to complete TRV Content Processing on.

Fee Required

A type of Filing that requires a filing fee be made with the Commission.

FERC Attachment

A FERC Attachment in TariffShark is supplemental information above and beyond the content of your tariffs that is sent to FERC when making a electronic tariff Filing. A transmittal letter is the most common example of a FERC Attachment. When creating an attachment, "Attachment" will refer to the FERC Attachment Reference Code followed by a brief description. This field will offer a different list of attachment types depending upon the type of filing on which you are working (because, for example, the regulations may require that certain exhibits be attached to certain types of filings and not others).

FERC Company Id

The Company Id assigned by FERC when the Company was registered. The format is "Cnnnnnn" where "C" is a letter and "nnnnnn" represents a 6 digit number. Maximum field length 50.

FERC Filing Id Number

This is the filing identifier that is sent to FERC when the Filing is filed. This field's value is populated by TariffShark and you cannot update it.

FERC Filing Id Number (Associated Filing)

The FERC Filing Id Number for a Filing that is associated with another Filing. You can use this number to do a manual override Filing association. This is the filing identifier that is sent to FERC when the Filing is filed. This field's value is populated by TariffShark and you cannot update it.

FERC Filing Id Number (Associated FTRV)

The FERC Filing Id Number for a FTRV that is associated with another FTRV. You can use this number to do a manual override FTRV association. This is the filing identifier that is sent to FERC when the Filing is filed. This field's value is populated by TariffShark and you cannot update it.

FERC Order Date

The date of FERC's decision on the Filing - either express (via order) or implied (via statutory clock).

FERC Program

The FERC program under which the Company operates. The current programs are:

Code Industry Description Citation Description
G Gas NGA Gas Pipelines FERC NGA Gas Tariff
E Electric Federal Power Act Electric (Traditional Cost of Service and Market Based Rates) Public Utilities FERC FPA Electric Tariff
M Electric Federal Power Act Electric (Market Based Rate) Public Utilities FERC FPA Electric Tariff
F Electric Power Administrations FERC PA Electric Tariff
O Oil Oil Pipelines FERC ICA Oil Tariff
K Gas NGPA 311 Gas Pipelines FERC NGPA Gas Tariff

FERC Record Id

FERC Record Id of the top-most Tariff Record that represents the Tariff. This is the tariff record id that is sent to FERC when making Filings that include a Tariff Record Version of the top-most Tariff Record. This field can not be changed when Updating a Tariff.

FERC Record Id (Associated FTRV)

The FERC Record Id for an FTRV that is associated with another FTRV. You can use this number to do a manual override FTRV association. FERC Record Id of the top-most Tariff Record that represents the Tariff. This is the Tariff Record Id that is sent to FERC when making Filings that include a Tariff Record Version of the top-most Tariff Record. This field can not be changed when updating a Tariff.

FERC Response

FERC's response to the Filed Tariff Record Version: Accepted, Approved Subject to Conditions, Conditionally Accepted, Conditionally Effective, Draft, Effective, Overtaken by Events, Pending, Pending (Tolled), Pro Forma, Rejected, Retired, Superseded, Suspended, or Withdrawn.


This is the "Tariff Identifier" that is sent to FERC whenever a Filing is made in a specific Tariff Database.


The location and name of a file to be saved by TariffShark. For example, C:\Users\JoeUser\Documents\TariffShark\TransmittalLetter.pdf or \\FileServer\OurDepartment\RegulatoryFiles\FERC\Filing-2020-02-17\TransmittalLetter.pdf. When interacting with a "File" field in TariffShark, you may browse to your file location via the ellipsis button; or Drag and Drop from your desktop.

File As

File format to be sent to FERC; either Adobe PDF or Rich Text Format (RTF).

File Cleanup

TariffShark removes its temporary files from your computer from time to time. The File Cleanup Interval to determine how often file cleanup occurs. Value must be between 1 and 300 seconds. The default value is 10 seconds.

File Format

The type of document to be downloaded: Adobe PDF, Microsoft Word, Rich Text Format (RTF), or Plain Text.

File Name

The name of a file in TariffShark.

Filed (Filing Status)

A Filing that has been submitted to and accepted by FERC. The data associated with a Filing must not be updated once it has been filed. By updating the Status to "Filed", TariffShark protects much of a Filing's data so that you are unable to change it (either intentionally or unintentionally). Changing a Filing's Status from "Draft" to "Filed" also causes the FERC Response of all of its FTRVs to be updated from "Draft" to "Pending".

Filed Tariff Record Version

A Filed Tariff Record Version, or FTRV, represents a Tariff Record Version (TRV) in a Filing. Refer to the Filed Tariff Record Version element article for additional details.


A Filing in TariffShark is a proposal to FERC to affect one or more changes to a Company's electronic tariff(s). Refer to the Filing element article for additional details.

Filing Cabinet

The TariffShark Filing Cabinet is a place to store tariff-related documents and hyperlinks. Refer to the Filing Cabinet element article for additional details.

Filing Cabinet Item

A document or other file that is related to and supports Filing. Use of the Filing Cabinet is strictly optional and the files stored are not shared with FERC when in the Filing XML.

Filing Comments

Comments relating to the Filing.

Filing Date (FERC)

The filing date of the Filing in which the Tariff Record Version resides.

Filing Status

Draft: A Filing starts its life in "Draft" status. As a Draft, all aspects of a Filing may be updated in order to prepare the Filing in the way you wish to send it to FERC. A Draft Filing may even be deleted.

Filed: Once a Filing has been submitted to and accepted by FERC, you update its status to "Filed". The data associated with a Filing must not be updated once it has been filed. By updating the status to "Filed", TariffShark protects much of a Filing's data so that you are unable to change it (either intentionally or unintentionally). Changing a Filing's status from "Draft" to "Filed" also causes the FERC Response of all of its FTRVs to be updated from "Draft" to "Pending".

Complete: Finally, after a statutory period elapses or after FERC issues an order in response to a Filing, you update its status to "Complete", which is where it spends the rest of its days.

Filing Id

A unique number TariffShark uses to identify each Filing.

Filing Types

Refer to Filing Type Categories as defined by FERC. Type of Filing in the form of (1) the Code, followed by (2) the Description, followed by (3) the Type (in curly braces).
[Internal Note: Revisit - doesn't feel right to define Filing Types in terms of categories, which are a higher-level construct.]

Filing XML

The file format a Filing must be submitted to FERC in. XML is a file extension for an Extensible Markup Language (XML) file format used to create common information formats and share both the format and the data on the World Wide Web, intranets, and elsewhere using standard ASCII text. XML is similar to HTML. Includes the Filing Details, FERC Details, Tariff Record Versions, and FERC Attachments.

Find Panel

A search function that can find data in any grid within TariffShark. Refer to the Search Syntax article for additional details.


The folder into which file(s) will be saved.

A Footer Template is a Word document that is assigned to a Document Layout. Refer to the Footer Template element article for additional details.

Format String

Used with a Record Numbering Scheme. Enter a short string that will precede the number for the selected level and a short string that will follow it. Maximum field length 20.

Friendly Name (Server)

This is any name you wish to use for the Server to which you are registering. This name must be unique among all clients registered with the server. We recommend using a name that includes both your name and the server name. For example, "Johnny@MyServer" or "Prod Server, Johnny".


Common abbreviation for Filed Tariff Record Version.


A grid, form, or command within TariffShark.



TariffShark displays lists of data, such as Tariffs, Tariff Records, and Tariff Record Versions, in grids with rows, columns, and column headers. These Grids can be customized and manipulated much like you can in Microsoft Excel. You can sort, filter, and even rearrange or hide columns. You can also copy data and paste it into Microsoft Excel worksheets or Microsoft Word tables as you require. In the Grids article, refer to the Resizing Grid Columns, Copying Grid Data, and Sorting Grid Data topics for more details and instructions.


Header Template

A Header Template is a Word document that is assigned to a Document Layout. Refer to the Header Template element article for additional details.

Help Text (Custom Field)

Instructive text to help data entry personnel to enter meaningful values into Custom Fields. TariffShark can accommodate Help Text of up to 512 characters.

Hierarchy Support

Learn about Hierarchy Support in the Hierarchy Support article.

A URL to a resource on the Internet or your local intranet that relates to the Filing. The format may include or omit the HTTP:// portion. Valid examples are: www.ferc.gov and http://www.ferc.gov. Maximum field length 512.


Include in Table of Contents

Indicates whether or not the Tariff Record Version will be included in the Table of Contents when the Tariff is published. The text that appears in the table of contents is determined by the publishing options established at the Tariff level.

Index Item Format

Describes how Tariff Record Versions appear within the index that TariffShark generates when publishing the Tariff. The value for this field can be customized by dragging and dropping fields from Common Fields and also by typing into the textbox. Maximum field length is 512.


The industry in which the Company operates




Layout (Word Document)

Word document (.doc) file name on which the Document Layout will be based.

Lead Applicant

Identifies the lead party making an eTariff filing. Upon submission to FERC, this party is automatically added to the Commission's service list. When pipelines and utilities are filing for themselves as the lead applicant, the Lead Applicant value must be the same as the FERC Company Id.

Lead Applicant Company Id

The Company Id assigned by FERC when the Lead Applicant Company was registered. The format is "Cnnnnnn" where "C" is a letter and "nnnnnn" represents a 6 digit number. Maximum field length 50.

Level (Custom Field)

Specifies the TariffShark Element with which a Custom Field is associated. Valid values are Filing, Tariff, Tariff Database, Tariff Record, and Tariff Record Version.

Level (Validation)

The level, or Element, within TariffShark where the validation took place. Filing, Tariff Record, Tariff Record Version, Filed Tariff Record Version, and FERC Attachment are among the levels that are reported.

Levels (Record Numbering Scheme)

The number of levels in the Record Numbering Scheme.

License Type

The type of TariffShark license under which the Company operates. Refer to the Company element article for additional details.


Manage Lead Applicant

Manage Lead Applicant is a Company-level option. When enabled, you may submit eTariff filings where the Lead Applicant is different from the FERC Company Id.

Marked Content

Marked Content refers to the content of a document that includes Microsoft Word-based change tracking indications. TariffShark provides Marked Content in both Adobe PDF and Microsoft Word formats.

Marked Document Layout

Marked Document Layout for the Tariff Record Version. The document that defines the layout is used as the starting point of the Tariff Record Version's content when the document is first created. The Document Layout's Header Template and Footer Template are applied to the Tariff Record Version's content each time the content is opened.

Part of TariffShark's user-interface. Located on the top of the TariffShark window, menus allow you to navigate to and open many forms. Refer to the Menus article for additional details.

Message (Validation)

A description of the specific condition that TariffShark has detected regarding an issue in the validation of a Filing.

Motion (Filing Type)

This category of type of Filing can only be associated with Filed Tariff Record Version whose status condition in the FERC eTariff database is "suspended". The only action that a filing in this category can do is to change the Proposed Effective Date of the Filed Tariff Record Version that is "suspended". Any change in the tariff, rate schedule, or service agreement is ignored. If a tariff submitter wishes to change both the status of suspended Filed Tariff Record Version and tariff, rate schedule, or service agreement, it must file a "Compliance" type of Filing.


Name (Company)

The official Company name that is registered with FERC. It must match the name exactly as identified in the TariffShark license file. Maximum field length 127.

Name (Custom Field)

The name by which a Custom Field is known throughout TariffShark. TariffShark accommodates Custom Field Names of up to 100 characters long.

Name (FERC Attachment)

File name of the FERC Attachment

Name (Security Role)

Name of the Security Role. Maximum field length 50.

Name (Tariff Record Version Set)

The Name of the TRV Set. The Name must be unique (no two TRV Sets may have the same name) within the Tariff Database. Maximum length 50.

Name (User)

User's Full Name. Maximum field length 50.

Narrative Name

Narrative Name of the Tariff Record Version.

Number Days

Number of days until the FERC Filing Date. If the number of days displayed is negative, that means that the FERC Filing Date is in the future. The default color of a row in the grid is white, which appears when a draft Filing is more than 7 days in the future. A row in the grid is yellow when a draft Filing is due to be filed within the next 7 days. A row in the grid is red when a draft Filing is past its FERC Filing Date.


Omit Child Cancel FTRVs from FERC XML

Check if you want to omit child TRVs from cancelling FTRVs from FERC XML

Option (Associated FTRV)

The Option letter for an FTRV that is associated with another FTRV. This is part of a manual override FTRV association.

Option (Tariff Record Version)

Option letter of the Tariff Record Version. Refer to FERC's OSEC eTariff Implementation Guide for complete details about options.

Order Date

The date of FERC's decision on the Filing - either express (via order) or implied (via statutory clock).

Output File

Refer to File entry.

Overtaken by Events (FERC Response)

A Response given to a FTRV that has been filed with FERC but has been subsequently replaced by a more recently filed FTRV. For example, if you filed Rate Schedules v3.0.0 and realized a week later that textual changes were missed and needed to be filed as a correction, upon filing and FERC accepting Rate Schedules v4.0.0 in an Amendment Filing, Rate Schedules v3.0.0 is considered to be "Overtaken by Events".


Page Break After

Indicates whether or not a page break will be inserted after the TRV's content when Custom Publishing.

[Internal Note: Publishing options discussion required a T, TR, and TRV levels.]

Page Break Before

Indicates whether or not a page break will be inserted before the TRV's content when Custom Publishing.

[Internal Note: Publishing options discussion required a T, TR, and TRV levels.]

Payment Confirmation Code

The confirmation number obtained from the payment of fees for the Filing.

Parent Tariff Record

In a section-based Tariff, a Tariff Record with a Record Number above at least one Child Tariff Record. For example, Tariff Record 5. is a parent to the child Tariff Records 5.1 and 5.2.

PDF Bookmark Text

Text that will appear in a PDF reader's bookmark bar when viewing a PDF published by TariffShark. When a TRV is published as part of a PDF, the PDF Bookmark Text is what will appear in the list of bookmarks in the PDF reader when the published file is viewed. Maximum field length is 127.

Use PDF Hyperlink Tag to set a bookmark for a TRV in a published Tariff. This will enable you to jump from an external link, such as on a website, to a specific place in the Tariff. Maximum field length is 127.

Pending (FERC Response)

A Response given to a FTRV that has been filed with FERC and on which FERC has not yet acted (either through the issuance of an order or by the tolling of the statutory clock).

Pending Tolled (FERC Response)

A Response given to a FTRV that is deficient or protested and cannot be processed within the timeline. This response shall remain until an Amendment type Filing is filed. Applies to FPA and NGPA Gas Pipeline programs.

Position (Failed Processing)

The ranking order by which TRVs entered the Failed Processing Queue.

Position (Processing Queue)

The ranking order by which TRVs are going to enter the Processing Queue. Lower numbers go through processing before higher numbers.


Menu option for selecting choices for 1) viewing data in TariffShark including data font, height, and other display characteristics; 2) how TariffSharks works in MicroSoft Word including track changes and markups and Word AutoRecover information; 3) allows specific warning when creating Tariff Records for the oil industry.

Processing Queue

A tab in the Dashboard that shows the TRVs that await TRV Content Processing.

Pro Forma (FERC Response)

A Response given to a Pro Forma FTRV submitted to FERC it does not represent a true proposal before the commission. Therefore, many of the FTRV FERC Response values presented here do not apply. So that a Pro Forma FTRV doesn't get stuck as "Pending", assign a FERC Response of "Pro Forma Ordered" after FERC has issued an order in response to a Pro Forma submission.

Proposed Date

Proposed Effective Date of the Filed Tariff Record Version.

Proposed Effective Date

The Effective Date on which you propose the Tariff Record or specifically its Tariff Record Version to go into effect.

Proposed Effective Date (Cancel)

Proposed Effective Date for the Tariff cancellation.


Publishing is the process by which the content of multiple TRVs are brought together into a single file.

TariffShark provides for the publishing of

Refer to the Publishing article for additional details.

Publish with Filing

This setting specifies whether or not, by default, a Tariff Record Version will be included when a Filing is published. Valid values are Clean and Marked, Clean Only, Marked Only, None, and N/A (which applies only to whole document TRVs).

Publishing Format

Options for publishing. Either page-based, Microsoft Word; page-based, Adobe PDF; or custom.

Publishing Group

Publishing Groups are arbitrary collections of Tariff Records and are defined on the Create Tariff Record and Update Tariff Record screens. They can be particularly helpful for sheet-based Tariffs. For example, if you wanted to publish only the "General Terms and Conditions" section of a Tariff that spans sheet numbers 200 to 350, all of these Tariff Record Versions could be selected in the grid simply by selecting the "General Terms and Conditions" Publishing Group (instead of clicking 150 checkboxes).

A word or short phrase that identifies the group of Tariff Records (publishing group) to which a Tariff Record belongs. When publishing a Tariff, groups of Tariff Records can be easily selected and de-selected by selecting and de-selecting publishing groups in the Tariff Publishing wizard. Maximum field length 30.

Publishing Process

In certain wizard steps, referring to page-based or custom publishing options.

Publishing Template

Microsoft Word document (.docx or .doc) into which the published TRVs will be copied. Press the ellipsis button '...' to select a Word document.


Queue Id

A unique identifying number that TariffShark assigns to a TRV when its content awaits TRV Content Processing. It can be seen in the Dashboard while the TRV is either in the Processing Queue or Failed Processing tabs.

Queue Processing Interval

A Toolbar function that allows the user to adjust how frequently the background TRV content processor looks for TRV content to process. It can be adjusted to an interval as short as 5 seconds and as long as 5 minutes. Click the inverted triangle next to the shark and a slider control appears to change the interval.

Queue Status

A column in the Dashboard that indicates the TRV Content Processing status of a TRV. Values are "Waiting", "In Process" or "Failed".


Record Change Type

The reason that a TRV is in a Filing for a requested change. The valid Record Change Type values are "New", "Change", "Cancel", "Withdraw", and "Pro Forma". Each is explained further below:

Record FERC Order

FERC's Effective Date and Response for the Filed Tariff Record Versions.

Record Format

Section, Sheet, or Whole Document. By default, this value will be used as the Record Format for any Tariff Records created under this Tariff.

Record Number (Tariff Record)

Record Number of the Tariff Record

Record Number (Tariff Record Version)

Record Number of the Tariff Record Version

Record Numbering Scheme

A Record Numbering Scheme in TariffShark allows you to number your Tariff Records and Tariff Record Versions in a user-friendly way. Doing so enables TariffShark to send FERC the Tariff Record Collation Value and the Tariff Record Parent Identifier, which are required fields in the FERC XML file. All Tariffs in the same Tariff Database must use Record Numbering Schemes that are configured with the same number of bits in the first level of the scheme. Refer to the Record Numbering Scheme element article for additional details.

Rejected (FERC Response)

A Response given to a FTRV that has been rejected by FERC order.

Request Waiver

A checkbox will appear if the Attachment selected is both required and waivable. This capability is built into FERC's eTariff specification, however, FERC has defined Filing Types and Attachments in practice such that none are actually required and waivable. Therefore, a checkbox will not appear.


An action button in the Dashboard. Click the "Requeue" button in this column to resubmit the Tariff Record Version for processing. This essentially moves the TRV from the "Failed Processing" tab over to the "Processing Queue" tab.

Result (Validation)

Describes the validation as either "Fail" or "Warning". "Fail" means that submitting the Filing to FERC will result in a FERC rejection. "Warning" means that there is something about the Filing that might require attention before submitting it to FERC.

Retired (FERC Response)

At your discretion, you may change an FTRV's FERC Response to Retired when it is no longer in effect. This is not necessary, however, since TariffShark knows which TRV is in effect when several versions of the same Tariff Record are all marked as Effective. For example, given the following Effective FTRVs:

TariffShark knows that Rate Schedules v1.0.0 is the one that is in effect on 5/15/2010 and that Rate Schedules v2.0.0 is in effect on 9/1/2010.

"Retired" FTRVs are eligible for the Tariff Timeline and Tariff Publishing.

Retries Left

A Dashboard metric that tells you how many more attempts TariffShark will make for a TRV to complete TRV Content Processing. When the number of Retries Left reaches zero, TariffShark moves the TRV to the Failed Processing tab. Retries Left counts down from 3.

Root Tariff Record

Top-level Tariff Record. In a Tariff that is broken into multiple Tariff Records, the root Tariff Record's content is commonly the title page. In a Tariff that is NOT broken into multiple Tariff Records, the root Tariff Record's content is the entire Tariff.

Rule (Validation)

A TariffShark-specific code that identifies the validation rule. Refer to the Filing Validation Rules article for additional details.


Save Folder

Refer to Folder entry.

Schema Version

Version of the FERC eTariff Schema to be used when submitting the Filing to FERC.

A search function that can find data in any grid within TariffShark. Refer to the Search Syntax article for additional details.

Secret Key

Application server password for registering and unregistering the TariffShark client software.

Section (Record Format)

Refers to a Tariff that is organized in Sections based on related topics.

Security Level (FERC Attachment)

FERC Attachment Security Level may be set to "Critical Energy Infrastructure", "Privileged", or "Public". Some attachments have a required security level (defined by FERC and incorporated into TariffShark). When creating an attachment that has a required security level, that security level is selected by default. At least one FERC Attachment of the attachment type must be included in the Filing with the required security level.

Security Role

A Security Role describes a group of TariffShark commands for the purposes of setting up application security. Refer to the Security Role element article for additional details.


Enter a short string that will be used to separate the number for the selected level from the number for the subsequent level. Maximum field length 5.

Separator Page (FERC Attachment)

A formatted Microsoft Word document containing static text and Symbols that can be inserted between FERC Attachments.


The TariffShark application server with which the TariffShark program on your desktop communicates.

Session Timeout

Defines how often the TariffShark client checks with the application server to verify that the User's session is still active. Value must be between 30 and 120 seconds. The default value is 60 seconds.

Sheet (Record Format)

Refers to a Tariff that is organized as individual pages.

Sheets Fields

This setting tells TariffShark whether or not it should automatically populate the Description and Narrative Name fields on the Create Tariff Record Version and Update Tariff Record Version forms for Tariff Record Versions within a sheet-based Tariff (one whose Default Record Format is "Sheet").

Short Name (Company)

User-designated Company name. Maximum field length 50.

Short Name (Tariff)

User-designated Tariff name. Maximum field length 50.


The SmartBar displays commands that can be executed based on the screen currently open and, if a grid is present, the row currently selected. Refer to the SmartBar article for additional details.

Solution (Validation)

A hyperlink that takes the user to a form in TariffShark where the validation issue may be resolved. Will appear in conjunction with a validation issue message.

Sort Order (Custom Field)

Specifies the order in which multiple Custom Fields belonging to the same Level will appear within the TariffShark user interface. Custom Fields are presented in lower Sort Order to higher Short Order sequence.

Sort Order (FERC Attachment)

FERC Attachments have a Sort Order that instructs TariffShark the order in which to place them into the FERC XML. TariffShark provides default Sort Order values, which may be updated as needed. A number between 1 and 2,147,483,648 that specifies the order in which FERC Attachments are placed into the FERC XML file.

Status Bar

Refer to the Status Bar article for additional details.

Status Change Timeout

Many Types of Filings must be acted upon by FERC by a certain number of days from the date of the tariff Filing. This data element shows the number of days from the date of the filing before the FERC internal system will automatically change the status in the absence of a FERC order.

Superseded (FERC Response)

FERC's Response when an FTRV when an FTRV is superseded or replaced by another FTRV. Recording an FTRV's FERC Response value as "Superseded", is optional in TariffShark. Superseded is equivalent to the FERC Response of "Retired" in that TariffShark knows which TRV is in effect when several versions of the same Tariff Record are marked as "Effective". "Superseded" FTRVs are eligible for the Tariff Timeline and Tariff Publishing.

Superseded Version

Tariff Record Version that is being replaced by this one.

Suspended (FERC Response)

A Response given to a FTRV that has been suspended by FERC.

Suspend Motion Response

A column in the Filing Type List form that will either contain a checkmark or not. FERC may suspend certain Types of Filings. For Filing Types that have this column checked, the Tariff Submitter is required to inform FERC whether or not it is submitting a motion to place suspended Tariff Records into effect at the end of the suspension period.


Learn about Symbols in the Symbols article where there is a complete listing of all Symbols. To learn which Symbols are available within various TariffShark features, refer to the Symbol Usage article.


Tab Bar

Refer to the Tab Bar article for additional details.

Table of Contents Item Format

This field describes how Tariff Record Versions appear within the table of contents that TariffShark generates when publishing the Tariff. The value for this Field can be customized by dragging and dropping fields from Common Fields and also by typing into the textbox. Maximum field length is 512.


A Tariff in TariffShark represents a tariff, rate schedule, service agreement, or similar document that must be filed electronically as a result of FERC Order 714. Refer to the Tariff element article for additional details.

Tariff Collation

The Tariff Collation specifies the order in which Tariffs will be displayed in FERC's eTariff Viewer. The value must be unique among all Tariffs in the Tariff Database.

Tariff Database

A Tariff Database is a repository into which your tariff work (Filing, Tariffs, Tariff Record Versions, etc.) is stored. Refer to the Tariff Database article for additional details.

Tariff Database (Security Role)

Title of the Tariff Database through which the User is assigned the Security Role.

Tariff Id

A unique number TariffShark uses to identify each Tariff.

Tariff Record

A Tariff Record is a portion of a Tariff in TariffShark. Refer to the Tariff Record article for additional details.

Tariff Record Id

A unique number TariffShark uses to identify each Tariff Record.

Tariff Record Parent Id

In a hierarchical Tariff relationship, a Tariff Record and its Id number that is above another Tariff Record (child).

Tariff Record Version

A Tariff Record Version or TRV is a version of a Tariff Record. TRVs are where the content of your Tariffs is stored. Refer to the Tariff Record Version article for additional details.

Tariff Record Version Set

A Tariff Record Version Set is a collection of Tariff Record Versions, or TRVs. Refer to the Tariff Record Version Set article for additional details.

Template Word document

Word document (.doc) file name from which the Header or Footer Template will be created.


A customized list of effective FTRVs that belong to the same Tariff. TariffShark allows you to select the Effective Date of interest and the program will display the TRVs that were (or are) current at that time. Refer to the Tariff Timeline form for more details.

Title (Filing)

The Title (or name) of the Filing. The Title must be unique (no two Filings may have the same name) within the Tariff Database. Maximum field length is 80.

Title (Tariff)

The Title (or name) of the Tariff. Maximum field length 60.

Title (Tariff Database)

User-designated Tariff Database title. The title must be unique within a Company. This field will be protected and cannot be updated if any Filings have been filed within the Tariff Database. Maximum field length is 100.

Title (Tariff Record)

Title of the Tariff Record. This value is used as the default for the Tariff Record Version Title as each Tariff Record Version is created under this Tariff Record. Maximum field length 60.

Title (Tariff Record Version)

Title of a Tariff Record Version. Maximum length 60.


TariffShark's Toolbar provides convenient shortcut buttons to key functions, starting points, and forms. Refer to the Toolbar article for additional details.


Common abbreviation for Tariff Record Version.

TRV Content Processing

TRV Content Processing converts Tariff Record Versions' marked content edited in Microsoft Word to marked DOC, clean RTF, marked PDF, clean PDF, plain text formats. Refer to the TRV Content Processing article for additional details.

TRV File Name Template

TRV File Name Template is used to name the document whenever a TRV is opened in Microsoft Word or whenever a TRV is downloaded. Symbols are used to make TRV file names unique.

Type (Filing Type Category)

Refer to Filing Type entry.

Type (Custom Field)

Defines the type of data that will be stored in a Custom Field. Valid values are:


Unique Key

A short string consisting of upper case characters, lower case characters, and numeric digits that uniquely distinguishes one Custom Field from all others. Special characters and spaces may not be used in a Unique Key. TariffShark can accommodate Unique Keys of up to 20 characters.


The process of bringing content into TariffShark in order to build various tariff-related documents such as TRVs, Document Layouts, and FERC Attachments.

Upload File (FERC Attachment)

The location and file name of a file to be uploaded as the content of a FERC Attachment.

Upload File (Filing Cabinet Item)

The location and file name of a file to be uploaded as the content of a Filing Cabinet Item.


This is the Internet address of the server to which you are registering. It usually begins with "http://" or "https://" and ends with "/Services".


A User is a person who uses the TariffShark software to perform tariff-related functions or to administer the software. Refer to the User article for additional details.


The username used to sign into TariffShark as defined by the administrator who created the User account. Each User must have a unique username. TariffShark can accommodate Usernames of up to 50 characters.



A check mark is displayed if the Company has a valid license.

Validation Email

Email address to which FERC will send communications regarding the Filing.

Value (Custom Field)

The data that is entered for the Custom Field.


Version number of the Tariff Record Version.

Version Comments

Comments relating to the Tariff Record Version

View Content

An action button in the "failed processsing" tab. Click the "View" button in this column to view the marked content of the Tariff Record Version that failed processing.



Attachments that FERC has determined are not required for the purpose of passing the OSEC's electronic filing validation checks. The actual request for waiver of the FERC’s regulations and supporting documentation must be provided in the transmittal letter.

Whole Document (Record Format)

A Tariff that is one continuous document ie., not broken into Sections or Sheets.

Withdraw (Record Change Type)

When filing to withdraw an FTRV that was previously filed, the Record Change Type is "Withdraw".

Withdrawn (FERC Response)

A Response given to a FTRV that was filed with FERC but was subsequently withdrawn prior to FERC action.