TariffShark Tiger User Guide

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The Dashboard screen displays status information about the data in TariffShark.

  1. It helps users to manage the Status values of their Filings by highlighting those that appear to have stale Status values. The "Draft Filings" and "Filed Filings" tabs provide this information.
  2. It reports the status of TariffShark TRV Queue processing on the "Processing Queue" and "Failed Processing" tabs.
  3. It provides users with visibility to TRVs in Client Priority Mode with processing restrictions as set by other TariffShark users.
  4. It allows requeueing of TRVs that have failed processing.
  5. It allows requeueing of Client Priority TRVs.

The grids in each tab are filterable and sortable to make the information more user-friendly. Refer to Grids article for details.

Figure 1: Dashboard screen, Draft Filings tab

Figure 2: Dashboard screen, Filed Filings tab

Figure 3: Dashboard screen, Processing Queue tab

Figure 4: Dashboard screen, Failed Processing tab



Grid Details

Field Details
Tariff Database Title of the Tariff Database in which the draft Filing is located
Filing Title Title of the draft Filing
FERC Filing Date Expected date on which the draft Filing will be filed with FERC
Docket Number Filing's docket number
# Days Number of days until the FERC Filing Date. If the number of days displayed is negative, that means that the FERC Filing Date is in the future.

Row Colors for Draft Filings Tab

Row Color in Grid Indicates
Gray Draft Filing is more than 7 days in the future. This is the default color.
Yellow Draft Filing is due to be filed within the next 7 days.
Red Draft Filing is past its FERC Filing Date.


Grid Details

Field Details
Tariff Database Title of the Tariff Database in which the filed Filing is located
Filing Title Title of the filed Filing
FERC Filing Date Date the Filing was filed with FERC
Docket Number Filing's docket number
# Days Number of days since the FERC Filing Date. If the number of days displayed is negative, that means that the FERC Filing Date is in the future.

Row Colors for Filed Filings Tab

Row Color in Grid Indicates
Gray Filing's FERC Filing Date is today or in the future.
Green Filing was filed within the last 30 days.
Yellow Filing was filed between 31 and 60 days ago.
Red Filing was filed more than 60 days ago.


The Processing Queue tab displays the number of TRV documents in the queue in parenthesis right on the tab itself.

Processing Queue Tab Colors

Tab Color Indicates
Gray There are no TRV documents in the queue.
Green There are non-client priority TRV documents in the queue.
Blue-Green There are Client Priority TRV documents in the queue, and the Priority Client IS logged into TariffShark.
Yellow There are Client Priority TRV documents in the queue, and the Priority Client is NOT logged into TariffShark
Blue The tab is selected for viewing.

Grid Details

Field Details
Position The order in which queued TRVs will be processed.
Queue Id Identifying number for the queue entry
Tariff Database Title of the Tariff Database in which the Tariff Record Version is located
Tariff Short Name of the Tariff in which the Tariff Record Version is located
Record Number Record number of Tariff Record
Version Version number of the Tariff Record Version
Description Description of the Tariff Record Version
Title Title of the Tariff Record Version
Narrative Name Narrative Name of the Tariff Record Version
Option Option letter of the Tariff Record Version.
Filing Title of the Filing
Retries Left Number of retries remaining for processing the Tariff Record Version's documents
Queued By The Server from which the TRV was queue by for processing.
Client Online? A green check mark appears in the grid if the client that queued the TRV for processing is signed into TariffShark.
Client Priority Mode? A green check mark appears if the user that queued the TRV has indicated their computer should be the only one processing TRVs on that application server. Refer to the Server Settings article for more information.
Status Status of the queue entry. Either In Process or Waiting
Action "Requeue" button is enabled if the TRV was queued in Client Priority Mode and the Priority Client is offline. Requeue allows another client to queue the TRV for processing in the event that the Priority Client is out-of-office or cannot otherwise access their computer to do the TRV processing.

Row Colors for Tab Processing Tab

Figure 5: Dashboard screen, Processing tab, Green and Blue/Green rows

Figure 6: Dashboard screen, Processing tab, Green and Yellow rows

Figure 7: Dashboard screen, Processing tab, Green and Gray rows

Row Color in Grid Indicates
Blue/Green TRVs were queued by you in Client Priority Mode and you are online.
Green TRVs are in non-Client Priority Mode and may be processed by any client.
Yellow TRVs are in Client Priority Mode and were queued by another Priority Client who is NOT online. Such TRVs can be requeued by another user via the "Requeue" action button.
White (no color) TRVs are in Client Priority Mode and were queued by another Priority Client who is online.


The Failed Processing tab displays the number of failed document processing queue items in parenthesis right on the tab itself.

Failed Processing Tab Colors

Tab Color Indicates
Gray No documents have failed processing.
Red One or more documents have failed processing.
Blue The tab is selected for viewing.

Grid Details

Field Details
Position The ranking order by which TRVs entered the Failed Processing Queue.
Queue Id Identifying number for the queue entry
Tariff Database Title of the Tariff Database in which the Tariff Record Version is located
Tariff Short Name of the Tariff in which the Tariff Record Version is located
Record Number Record number of Tariff Record
Version Version number of the Tariff Record Version
Description Description of the Tariff Record Version
Title Title of the Tariff Record Version
Narrative Name Narrative Name of the Tariff Record Version
Option Option letter of the Tariff Record Version.
Filing Title of the Filing
Retries Left Number of retries remaining for processing the Tariff Record Version's documents
Status Status of the queue entry. This will default to Failed in the Failed Processing Tab.
Action Click the "Requeue" button in this column to resubmit the TRV for processing. This essentially moves the TRV from the "Failed Processing" tab over to the "Processing Queue" tab. Click the "View" button in this column to view the marked content of the TRV that failed processing. Doing so can help you to identify issues in the TRV's content so that they may be fixed and placed into the TRV once again via the Build Content Wizard.

See Also