TariffShark Tiger User Guide

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Create Filing Cabinet Item

The Create Filing Cabinet Item form is used to create a Filing Cabinet Item within a Filing.

Figure 1: Create Filing Cabinet Item form


Field Details Required
Filing The Title (or name) of the Filing
Filing Type Type of Filing in the form of (1) the Code, followed by (2) the Description, followed by (3) the Type (in curly braces)
Status Status of the Filing
Description Description of Filing Cabinet Item. Maximum field length 255 Yes
Hyperlink A URL to a resource on the Internet or your local intranet that relates to the Filing. The format may include or omit the http[s]:// portion. Valid examples are: www.ferc.gov and http://www.ferc.gov. Maximum field length 512.
Upload File Upload any file you wish to store in association with the Filing. Browse to your file location via ellipsis button; or Drag and Drop from your desktop.

Action Buttons

Button Details
Create Creates the new Filing Cabinet Item
Cancel Closes the form without creating the Filing Cabinet Item

See Also