Cancel Tariff
The Cancel Tariff form is used to cancel a Tariff. Use of this form creates a cancellation request that is sent to FERC in a Filing. The Tariff isn't actually cancelled unless and until FERC accepts the Filing and approves the request.
Figure 1:Cancel Tariff form
- Filing
- Filing in which the cancel request will be sent to FERC
- Proposed Effective Date
- Proposed Effective Date for the Tariff cancellation
- Option
Option letter of the Tariff Record Version. Refer to FERC's OSEC eTariff Implementation Guide
for complete details about options.
Action Buttons
- Saves the Tariff cancellation request. The result of this action is that a TRV is created using the next highest Version and a Cancel FTRV is added to the selected Filing for the top-most Tariff Record (the one that represents the Tariff). For section-based and sheet-based Tariffs, TRVs and Cancel FTRVs are also created for every subordinate Tariff Record that isn't already cancelled in an earlier Filing.
- Closes the form without creating a Tariff cancellation request
SmartBar Commands
None available.