TariffShark Tiger User Guide

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Publish Tariff: Additional FTRVs

If additional Filings were selected in the previous wizard step, the Publish Tariff wizard's Additional FTRVs form displays them in a grid. Use the checkboxes provided in the grid to select the FTRVs to be considered for publishing.

This step is optional. By default, none of the Pending and Suspended FTRVs will be selected in the grid. Therefore, if you wish to publish an effective Tariff without consideration of pending and suspended activity, simply click the wizard's "Next" button.

Figure 5: Publish Tariff wizard: Select Additional Filings


Field Details
Select Select pending or suspended FTRVs that you wish to consider for publishing
Filing Title The Title (or name) of the Filing
FERC Filing Date The filing date of the Filing
Record Number Record Number of the Tariff Record Version
Version Version number of the Tariff Record Version
Description Description of the Tariff Record Version
Title Title of the Tariff Record Version
Narrative Name Narrative Name of the Tariff Record Version.
Option Option letter of the Tariff Record Version.
Effective Date Effective date of the Filed Tariff Record Version.
Response FERC's response to the filing of the Tariff Record Version
Change Type The type of change that was requested for the Tariff Record Version

Action Buttons

Click the button hyperlinks below to navigate through the help documentation and learn more about this wizard.
Button Details
Select All Selects all FTRVs in the grid
Clear All Deselects all previously selected FTRVs in the grid
< Back Back to the previous step
Next > Proceed to the next step
Cancel Closes the wizard without publishing the Tariff

See Also