Frequently Asked Questions

Version 1 - Reviewed: November 12, 2018

TariffShark CPUC Application Server Customizations

The TariffShark CPUC application server is distributed in a zip file. A filed named Installer.Web.config is included within the zip and should be used as the starting point for creating your own web.config file. The web.config file is required on the application server and contains the customizable configuration settings for TariffShark CPUC.

The TariffShark CPUC application server installation guide and comments within the Installer.Web.config file do a good job of describing the configuration options, but this article goes into a bit more depth. Note that not every web.config setting is documented here. This article describes the configuration options that customize how TariffShark CPUC works.

Category web.config key Description Default Value
Mail Settings When a new User is created and when a user forgets his password, the system must be able to send the user a temporary password, which is done via email. Mail Settings must be configured or users will not receive their passwords.
Mail Settings <mailSettings> Configure this web.config element to enable TariffShark CPUC to send email.
<smtp from="" deliveryMethod="Network">
  <network host="" port="25" enableSsl="true" />
Security A one-time handshake must be made between a TariffShark CPUC client and a TariffShark CPUC application server. We call this "server registration". Among other things, the process returns unique encryption keys to the client machine (this is a security measure). In order to protect a TariffShark CPUC application server from accepting random registration requests, a secret key must be supplied by the user when registering and unregistering.
Security RegisterSoftwareClientSecretKey Password used for registering and unregistering TariffShark CPUC clients <none>
Password Generation When a new TariffShark CPUC user is created and when a user forgets his/her password, a new password is generated according to these settings and emailed to the user.
Password Generation Password.Generation.Length Length of generated passwords 12
Password Generation Password.Generation.Charset Character set used for password generation ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
Password Reset When a user forgets his/her password, a new password is generated and is valid for a limited period of time.
Password Reset Password.Reset.Expiration Temporary password expiration in minutes (4320 minutes = 3 days) 4320
Password Policy Password Policy settings define the rules for acceptable user-created passwords.
Password Policy Password.Policy.ErrorMessage Error message to notify user of password not adhering password policy Passwords must be between 8 and 16 characters in length and contain at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and one digit. The following special characters are valid but not required: !@#$%^*-_=+?
Password Policy Password.Policy.MinLength Minimum password length 8
Password Policy Password.Policy.MaxLength Maximum password length 16
Password Policy Password.Policy.RequireUppercaseMin Minimum number of upper case letters required 1
Password Policy Password.Policy.RequireUppercaseMax Maximum number of upper case letters allowed 99
Password Policy Password.Policy.RequireLowercaseMin Minimum number of lower case letters required 1
Password Policy Password.Policy.RequireLowercaseMax Maximum number of lower case letters allowed 99
Password Policy Password.Policy.RequireDigitsMin Minimum number of numeric digits required 1
Password Policy Password.Policy.RequireDigitsMax Maximum number of numeric digits allowed 99
Password Policy Password.Policy.RequireSpecialMin Minimum number of special characters required 0
Password Policy Password.Policy.RequireSpecialMax Maximum number of special characters allowed 99
Password Policy Password.Policy.SpecialCharset Valid special characters !@#$%^*-_=+?
Production Server A server can be designated as a production server (or non-production).
Production Server AllowSetIsProduction When this optional web.config key is present and set to true, the application server's SetProduction web handler is enabled and may be used to designate a TariffShark CPUC server as either production or non-production. Learn more here. true
Session SessionExpiresMinutes If no activity is detected between TariffShark CPUC client and the server, user is logged out 60
Exceptions Exception settings configure the logging of exceptions that occur on the application server.
Exceptions Exceptions.LogToEventLog Log exceptions to Windows Event Log True
Exceptions Exceptions.LogToDatabase Log exceptions to TariffShark CPUC database False
Exceptions Exceptions.LogToEmail Log exceptions via email False
Exceptions Exceptions.LogToEmail.From When logging exceptions via email, send from this email address <none>
Exceptions Exceptions.LogToEmail.To When logging exceptions via email, send to this email address <none>