TariffShark Tiger User Guide

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Publish TRV Set: Page-Based Publishing Options

The Publish TRV Set wizard's Page-Based Publishing Options form allows you to specify additional publishing options.

Figure 5: Publish TRV Set wizard: Page-Based Publishing Options


Field Details
Include TariffShark-style headers/footers where applicable Check this box to include TariffShark's headers and footers for those TRVs configured with Document Layouts that include Header Templates and/or Footer Templates. Checking the box enables the "Substitute Document Layouts..." button below. Leave the box unchecked and TariffShark's headers and footers will be omitted.
Substitute Document Layouts... If the box above is checked, you may click this button to open the Substitute Document Layouts dialog so that you may publish TRVs with alternate Document Layouts
Include PDF Bookmarks If this option is checked, TariffShark will include PDF bookmarks in the published PDF. Note that this option is only available when selecting "Page-based, Adobe PDF" Publishing Format in the wizard's TRV Publishing Options form.

Action Buttons

Click the button hyperlinks below to navigate through the help documentation and learn more about this wizard.
Button Details
< Back Back to the previous step
Next > Proceed to the next step
Cancel Closes the wizard without publishing the TRV Set

See Also