TariffShark Tiger User Guide

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Publish TRV Set: Output Details

The Publish TRV Set wizard's Output Details form allows you to specify a file name for the published TRV Set and location where it will be stored. You can also direct TariffShark to open the folder location and/or the published document when finished.

Figure 7: Publish TRV Set wizard: Output Details


Field Details Required
File Location and name of a file for the published output. Browse to your file location via ellipsis button; or Drag and Drop from your desktop. File formats accepted depend on format selected in TRV Publishing Options. Yes
Open folder when finished Check the box if you want TariffShark to open the published folder.
Open file when finished Check the box if you want TariffShark to open the published file.

Action Buttons

Click the button hyperlinks below to navigate through the help documentation and learn more about this wizard.
Button Details
< Back If performing Page-based publishing: Back to the previous step
< Back If performing Custom publishing: Back to the previous step
Next> Proceed to the next step
Cancel Closes the wizard without publishing the TRV Set

See Also