TariffShark Tiger User Guide

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Download Filing: Download Details

The Download Filing wizard's Download Details form is used to select the folder into which the Filing's components will be downloaded.

Figure 8: Download Filing: Download Details form


Field Details Required
Folder Browse to the folder where the file(s) will be saved using the ellipsis button. Yes
Open folder when finished Check the box if you want TariffShark to open the folder after the download completes.

Action Buttons

Click the button hyperlinks below to navigate through the help documentation and learn more about this Wizard.
Button Details
< Back If TRVs was the ONLY component selected to download and Include TariffShark-style headers/footers where applicable was unchecked: Back to the previous step
< Back If TRVs was the ONLY component selected to download and Include TariffShark-style headers/footers where applicable was checked: Back to the previous step
< Back If FERC Attachments was a component selected in a prior Wizard step: Back to the previous step
< Back If Filing Cabinet Items was component selected in a prior Wizard step: Back to the previous step
Next > Proceed to the next step
Cancel Closes the Wizard without downloading the Filing

See Also