Perhaps you or someone in your department is new to the eTariff world, or you just need a refresher on a certain aspect of using TariffShark to file tariffs under FERC Order 714. We're here to help!
Our online training video library is a perfect resource to handle ALL of your TariffShark training needs.
We've taken the complete eTariff filing life cycle and broken it down into short, easy-to-follow videos. From a basic introduction to eTariff filing to more advanced topics, you'll have the complete library available at your fingertips 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
If you've already upgraded to TariffShark Tiger, check out our screencasts, which highlight new features and enhancements that make TariffShark more powerful and even easier to use.
If you have a TariffShark website account, you have access to the training videos. If are unable to log in, contact Support and we'll make the training videos available.